Whilst defacting into a shallow hole, dug by my accomplice’s hand tool, it struck me…this wasn’t your typical 3rd date. First penned in for Saturday, then Sunday, then Monday, this date had moved more times than a roadie’s rucksack. One crazy week had rolled into another, another and others. Life’s eclectic, often eccentric demands grew;…
Twatted…in Titley
First date, first gig
An amateur’s hallmark. Too many texts. The eager exchange led to a long, entertaining phone call. We agreed to meet on Sunday evening. And, as the days past by, the suspense simmered. Nervous anticipation. An idling adolescent. My date of suitably random occupation. A circus performer, specialising in the juggling of hats. Running late. My own juggling…
On a sunny afternoon
On time, in good spirits, wine in hand, I arrived for an afternoon of bbq, beer and banter. Car outside, front door locked, 2pm. No answer. Well, it was Sunday. They were clearly yet to venture outside. Who know’s what they were up to last night? The home dwellers were 1 year married, party-loving, pre-kids. The day…